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HIV-Dating for positive Singles
Homos and Heteros are welcome
HIV-Dating for positive Singles
Homos and Heteros are welcome
Všetci sú tu z rovnakého dôvodu ... zoznámiť sa s niekým.
Až sa pripojíš, nebude príliš dlho trvať, než sa vytvoríš zoznam priateľov a budeš sa stretávať s ľuďmi, ktorí jednoducho hľadajú zábavu.
Môžeš si vytvoriť profil, ktorý umožní ostatným vidieť, čo ťa zaujíma. Rovnakým spôsobom budeš môcť zistiť, čo zaujíma ostatných členov. Nie je lepší spôsob, ako nájsť rovnako zmýšľajúcich ľudí.
Tvoje súkromie je pre nás nesmierne dôležité. Preto sme vytvorili platformu, ktorá zaisťuje, že tvoje online zoznamovaní prebieha v úplne zabezpečenom a privátnom prostredie.
In this corner HIV-positive people tell their story about their life with the virus. The storys are touching and in the same time they bring hope. Here they tell how they grew stronger, what it is like to look for a new love, a new partner with whom you can be honest. All of these brave authors want to give hope to all HIV-positive people around the world. This is their storys and we publish them as colourful as we got them.
Philip from South Africa lives with the virus since 2010: "I am not HIV POSITIVE but I LIFE POSITIVE" | Guguletho from South Africa found love on a dating site in the internet
HIV research
It feels like a revolution of sex life for Hiv-positive people: There is a pill that a HIV-negative person can take and the pill can prevent HIV-infection near to 100 per cent. This means: A condom could be no longer necessary. Hendrik Streeck is a german researcher - for PositiveDates he writes about the pros and cons of this pill which is called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Can a pill prevent Hiv-infection and allow sex without a condom?
Online-Dating for People all around the world - STD-Dating, HIV-Dating, Aids-Dating, Herpes-Dating
International dating for singles with HIV, Aids or Herpes | Dating for singles with HIV from America | Dating for singles with HIV from the United Kingdom | Dating for singles with HIV from Australia | Dating for singles with HIV from New Zealand
Online-Dating for gay singles around the world - yes! We are also specialised on HIV-Dating or Aids-Dating for gay singles. Man from all over the world can find contacts to gay man and boys in our international network